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National Reach

We can cancel timeshares from hundreds of resorts across the United States.

Free Exit Info Kit

The first step is to request our Free Exit Info Kit. We’ll send it to you in the mail. Totally free!

Our Process

Our process is 100% unique and in-house. You will be assigned one of our industry leading representatives to handle your timeshare termination case.

National Reach

We can cancel timeshares from hundreds of resorts across the United States.

Free Exit Info Kit

The first step is to request our Free Exit Info Kit. We’ll send it to you in the mail. Totally free!

Our Process

Our process is 100% unique and in-house. You will be assigned one of our industry leading representatives to handle your timeshare termination case.

Timeshare purchases all start with a simple desire. The desire to make your family happy and to give them experiences that they’ll never forget. 

A simple desire, yes, but not an easy one to make come true. 

Magical theme parks aren’t cheap and steak dinners can’t happen every night. 

So, what do you do? 

You accept that deep discount on a vacation you were offered…bribed with is probably more accurate.

The catch?

You have to sit through a brief “90 minute” timeshare sales presentation. 

And at the end of this show…… because that’s what it is. A fancy SHOW.

You buy.

And understandably so!

All you know is, “I want to make my family happy.”

And the timeshare company PREYS on that desire. From the moment they see you, to the moment they get you to buy.

EVERYTHING you experience at that sales presentation is designed to use human psychology against you. Just so they can make their money by getting you to make a decision. A decision that could affect the rest of your life

So do yourself this favor. If timeshare ISN’T what they promised you it would be…

Then fill out the form and we’ll send you a FREE package in the mail detailing how you can get out of it.

Truthfully, the only reason I was at a timeshare presentation is that I was offered a free gift card to go. Now, not only did I not get that but I was also tricked into buying a timeshare. Thankfully, WFG helped fix it all for me

- Allison W.

I was baited into purchasing a time-share property after being pressured for hours on end it ended up being a mistake that haunted me for years. I greatly appreciate how promptly WFG helped me out of that situation.

- Chris M.

Free Timeshare Exit Info Kit!

In it, you'll learn the following:

How we got started canceling timeshare (spoiler alert, it was a BIG lawsuit)

How we actually cancel timeshare for families every day

Most importantly, what the process could look like for your specific timeshare

Timeshare purchases all start with a simple desire. The desire to make your family happy and to give them experiences that they’ll never forget. 

A simple desire, yes, but not an easy one to make come true. 

Magical theme parks aren’t cheap and steak dinners can’t happen every night. 

So, what do you do? 

You accept that deep discount on a vacation you were offered…bribed with is probably more accurate.

The catch?

You have to sit through a brief “90 minute” timeshare sales presentation. 

And at the end of this show…… because that’s what it is. A fancy SHOW.

You buy.

And understandably so!

All you know is, “I want to make my family happy.”

And the timeshare company PREYS on that desire. From the moment they see you, to the moment they get you to buy.

EVERYTHING you experience at that sales presentation is designed to use human psychology against you. Just so they can make their money by getting you to make a decision. A decision that could affect the rest of your life

So do yourself this favor. If timeshare ISN’T what they promised you it would be…

Then fill out the form and we’ll send you a FREE package in the mail detailing how you can get out of it.

Truthfully, the only reason I was at a timeshare presentation is that I was offered a free gift card to go. Now, not only did I not get that but I was also tricked into buying a timeshare. Thankfully, WFG helped fix it all for me

- Allison W.

I was baited into purchasing a time-share property after being pressured for hours on end it ended up being a mistake that haunted me for years. I greatly appreciate how promptly WFG helped me out of that situation.

- Chris M.

Free Timeshare Exit Info Kit!

In it, you'll learn the following:

-How we got started canceling timeshare

-How we actually cancel timeshare for families every day

-Most importantly, what the process could look like for your specific timeshare

Get my package

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